Optimization of palm oil biodiesel production using response surface methodology
methyl esters; biofuel viscosity; biofuel specific mass; production efficiency.Abstract
The purpose of this paper was to analyze palm oil biodiesel production under different conditions and to verify the relationships between production variables in order to optimize biofuel production using response surface methodology (RSM). Biodiesel was produced through transesterification process by methyl route and alkali catalyst (NaOH) 1% (m/m). The analyzed variables were: four molar ratios (3:1, 4:1, 6:1 and 8:1); three temperature reactions (45°, 52° and 60°C); and three time reactions (40, 60 and 80 minutes). For the palm oil biodiesel production, the highest yield was 93%, obtained via a molar rate of 3:1, 52°C and 60 minutes. This result differs from previous studies that found a higher yield with molar ratio increases, implying greater expenses of methanol. Kinetic viscosity and specific mass were also analyzed, and the values are within the Brazilian, American, and European standards. The results showed that the most influent factor in biodiesel production was the molar rate. In relation to the biodiesel characterization, using the RMN H1 technique, it was possible to obtain the transesterification reaction yield of 79.50% for the 3:1 palm oil biodiesel. Through gas chromatography, it can be verified that the predominant fatty acids in the samples were palmitic and oleic acids.
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