The dynamics of knowledge about stemflow: a systematic review
forest hydrology; forest restoration; rainfall repartitioning; throughfall; biogeochemical cycle.Abstract
The importance of stemflow to hydrology and biogeochemistry in forest ecosystems is highlighted by the growing interest of the scientific community since the 1970s. This paper summarizes the main contributions of stemflow (SF) studies from recent years through a systematic review of the literature, including 375 scientific articles published between 2006 and 2019. Shrub SF has shown superior efficiency (11.1%) compared to tree species (3.6%). Branches, bark texture and composition, branch and leaf saturation capacity, and wind intensity were identified as factors that significantly influence SF. However, despite the increasing number of publications on the subject, most of them focus on semi-arid regions of Asia, particularly of China, and temperate regions. Thus, there is still a lack of knowledge about the role of the different species in the biogeochemical cycle concerning the SF in tropical and semi-equatorial regions.
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