visual MODFLOW; Beerkan method; numerical model.Abstract
The Northeastern region has a large part of its territory inserted in the semiarid region, which is characterized by relatively low annual rainfall levels and where the situation of access to water is aggravated in rural areas with deficient conventional supply. One of the alternatives for these regions is the use of groundwater, but these springs are often exploited without knowledge of their behavior. In order to help managers better
understand and manage aquifers, computational models are used, which represent the situation of the real environment. The present work aimed to evaluate the accumulation of water in the alluvium in a river stretch in this region, and to develop a numerical model of underground flow of the porous medium. Infiltration tests were performed with the Beerkan method at three points in the study area, with collections for granulometric
analysis of the soil, where it was possible to obtain: the granulometric curve, the hydrodynamic parameters and to build the infiltration, water retention, and hydraulic conductivity curves. The soil was characterized as predominantly sandy, with infiltration time varying with the depth, where the average value of hydraulic conductivity and saturated humidity was 1.84 x 10-4 m/s and 0.44, respectively. The soil presented a low
retention capacity for the tested points. An alluvial model was built using the Visual Modflow software and the monitoring of water levels was achieved with a satisfactory numerical model. The results obtained by potentiometric maps of hydraulic heads adjusted the observations. It was also possible to observe a lowering of the water table, presenting a critical situation in future scenarios with the prolongation of the drought.
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