integration of public policies; water resources governance; integrated water resources management; National Water Resources Council; water management tools.Abstract
The article deals with factors considered to guide Brazil’s water resources management policy, integration and articulation, aspects that are included in the legal basis of national policy (Law no. 9,433/1997; chapter III). It emphasizes the evaluation of the discussion of water policy and its interface with other sectorial policies. To understand the scope of the concepts of integration and articulation, and dialogue with practice, the perspectives of integrated management adopted by the Global Water Partnership, entitled “Integrated Water Resources Management”, will be presented, as well as the one developed by the New Water Culture Foundation, associated with an ecosystem perspective. It evaluates how the issues of integration between policies and perspectives are taking place within the framework of the Brazilian National Water Resources Council, the central forum for discussions on the country’s water policy. The systematization of data is based on the survey and analysis of the minutes and guidelines within the 20 years of existence of this Council. The minutes were systematized with the statistical Program R to evaluate the frequency of terms cited during the meetings. The themes of the agendas were organized into six major topics: rules of operation, management tools, integrated water management, sector articulations, environmental education, presentations. It became clear that the guidelines in greater numbers deal with the operating rules that aggregate administrative issues and general rules.
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