permanent preservation areas; riparian areas; land use; urban control; urban zoning.Abstract
This paper discusses the importance of environmental management and urban control legislation for the protection of water resources. It also highlights the importance of land use law for environmental conservation and that urban zoning should consider the natural environment characteristics. It was evaluated the Fortaleza (CE) legislation about land use and it was noted that it does not observe Forest Code of Brazil requirements with regard to Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA). The latest legislation amendment (Complementary Law No. 250/2018) resulted in a reduction of 961,185.34 m2 of permanent preservation areas on water resources margins in Fortaleza, Ceará. Using map overlays and field visits, the changes occurred in preservation areas in two river basins of the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, were identified. After Complementary Law No. 250/2018, there were reductions in the areas of permanent preservation in the two river basins.
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