Innovation in the production of ecological biodispersants: co-cultivation of Serratia marcescens and Tetradesmus obliquus




biosurfactant; co-culture; bacterium; microalgae; petroderivative bioremediation.


Mixed fermentations with bacteria and microalgae have been successfully used to increase biomass and metabolites production. However, this strategy has not yet been explored to produce biodispersants—biomolecules with potential for use in the bioremediation of petroderivatives. Therefore, we investigated the production of biosurfactants by co-cultivation of Serratia marcescens and Tetradesmus obliquus and its application as a biodispersant. The biomolecule was isolated by acid precipitation and subjected to preliminary characterization, stability and phytotoxicity tests and application in removing burnt engine oil from mollusk shells. When cultivated alone, S. marcescens presented surface tension of 27.4 mN/m and oil displacement area of 34.54 cm2, and when cultivated with T.obliquus,presented 26.6 mN/m and 50.24 cm2, respectively. Furthermore, excellent results of interfacial tension (1.0 mN/m) and emulsification index (96%) were verified in the mixed culture. The biosurfactant yield was 1.75 g/L, and it presented an anionic and lipopeptide nature, as well as stability at alkaline pH and in a wide range of temperature and salinity. In addition, it proved to be non-toxic against cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds and showed 100% efficiency in washing mollusk shells impregnated with burnt engine oil. Thus, the co-cultivation of S. marcescens and T. obliquus represents an innovative and sustainable technology for biodispersant production with a view to application in the bioremediation of environments contaminated with petroleum derivatives.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. A. dos, Rodríguez, D. M., Mendonça, R. de S., Takaki, G. M. de C., Porto, A. L. F., Lima, M. A. B. de, & Bezerra, R. P. (2025). Innovation in the production of ecological biodispersants: co-cultivation of Serratia marcescens and Tetradesmus obliquus. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Ambientais, 60, e2342.

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