Land use and land cover mapping of the Saco River’s watershed, State of Maranhão, Brazil
Coconut Forest; Landsat 8; geoprocessing; AcATaMa.Abstract
Land use and land cover mapping benefits landscape understanding and its changes, especially those resulting from anthropogenic actions in the physical environment. The present study aimed at mapping land use and coverage of the Saco River’s watershed (located in Codó, state of Maranhão). The area comprises the coconut forest (named Mata dos Cocais), a region that encompasses the characteristics of different biomes on the same temporal and spatial scale. The methodology applied was based on remote sensing techniques developed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment, processing data from Landsat 8 and supervised classification. The results showed a predominance of dense vegetation in the basin under study, in addition to a reduced occupation by classes of urban area and water bodies. The overall accuracy was 79% and dense vegetation presented a higher user and producer accuracy than the general, with 91 and 87%, respectively. On the other hand, the highest commission and omission errors were those in urban areas and water bodies, which coincided with the lowest occupation classes in the Saco River basin. These results are pioneering for the coconut forest and provide data for strategic planning of environmental actions.
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