Traditional knowledge of tree “bleeding” in brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa) management




traditional populations; extractive reserves; Amazonian-nut.


The Brazil nut or Amazonian-nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa) is native to the Amazon with a long history of management by traditional populations (or extractivists). “Bleeding” is a management practice in which the trunk is cut to expel resin and bolster fruit production. The objective of this paper was to describe how this practice is perceived and performed by extractivists in three extractive reserves (reservas extrativistas or Resex): Rio Ouro Preto (in the state of Rondônia, RO), Rio Cautário (RO), and Chico Mendes (in Acre, AC). First, semi-structured interviews were conducted in nine communities, sampling at least 30% of the families in each community. Subsequently, to understand variation in how this practice is performed, we used snowball sampling and applied another questionnaire to extractivists who executed bleeding. Almost all extractivists knew of the practice, but not all engaged in it. Many extractivists believed that expelling the resin prevents fruit abortion and improves production.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, T. K. A. de, Wadt , L. H. de O., & Kainer, K. A. (2024). Traditional knowledge of tree “bleeding” in brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa) management. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Ambientais, 59, e1858.