Changes in landscape structure in the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area, Bahia, Brazil
Atlantic Forest; landscape ecology; land use and land cover; landscape metrics; remote sensing; sustainable use.Abstract
This study examined the landscape structure of a sustainable-use conservation unit within the Atlantic Forest biome in Bahia, Brazil, from a landscape ecology perspective. The primary objective was to analyze the landscape structure of the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area (Pratigi EPA) using structural landscape metrics. The research focused the question: What were the changes in the landscape structure patterns within the Pratigi EPA between 1985 and 2021? Annual land use and occupation data for Brazil from 1985 to 2021 were obtained from the MapBiomas database, and landscape metrics were analyzed using R software. The results indicated that the forest class was predominant in the landscape but decreased from 122,394.15 ha in 1985 to 107,737.29 ha in 2021, a loss of 14,656.86 ha. Conversely, the agriculture class increased from 28,298.88 ha in 1985 to 43,453.62 ha in 2021, representing an increase of 15,154.74 ha. These findings support the hypothesis that the exploitation of natural resources within the Pratigi EPA may reduce biodiversity due to the expansion of agricultural activities. Therefore, new public policies and the implementation of sustainable measures to mitigate environmental conflicts are necessary to preserve ecological and ecosystem processes in the region.
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