Challenges for the implementation of the jurisdictional REDD+ in the Brazilian state of Amazonas
deforestation; governance; plan; SWOT.Abstract
The forestry sectors of developing countries can contribute to the fight against climate change through financial negotiations, which include the REDD+ mechanism. The jurisdictional REDD+ (J-REDD+) approach has emerged as an option for large countries, such as Brazil, which have profound regional idiosyncrasies that can influence the dynamics of the implementation of a REDD+ system. The study analyzes the implementation of a J-REDD+ system in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, between 2005 and 2022, based on the analysis of official documents and academic studies. The data were used to compile a SWOT matrix, which was employed to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in implementing the J-REDD+ in the state. This analysis revealed that the principal forces include public policy, the combat of deforestation, governance, monitoring, and the targets for reducing deforestation rates. The primary weaknesses include the lack of a state REDD+ plan, recent increases in deforestation rates, strategic challenges, the limited representation of traditional and indigenous peoples on advisory councils, and the lack of adequate transparency mechanisms. External opportunities lie in the potential for increasing the funding for projects, although the external threats include a lack of continuous funding, changes in the composition of working bodies, and the discontinuous nature of local government programs. These findings indicate that implementation of J-REDD+ at both state levels will be crucial to ensure that this approach provides an effective mechanism for the mitigation of climate change, as well as achieving present and future goals for conservation and sustainable development.
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