The indexing of scientific knowledge: The need for knowledge at the service of community development and nature protection




publish or perish; social impact; productivism; scientific colonialism.


The pandemic, the economic crisis, and climate change impose new development models of scientific production, as we suggest in this perspective study. The authors propose “new ways of evaluating academic performance,” which means stopping exclusively rewarding researchers who publish in indexed journals and valuing work with communities and applied interdisciplinary research, aimed at understanding socioenvironmental problems and proposing possible solutions that improve academic performance, improve quality of life of the population, and protect nature.


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How to Cite

Barra, R. O., & Rojas-Hernandez, J. (2022). The indexing of scientific knowledge: The need for knowledge at the service of community development and nature protection. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Ambientais, 57(4), 689–692.



Viewpoint and technical notes