Risks to the environment and to the health of family farmers through the inappropriate use of pesticides: the case of the Union of Associations of the Salitre Valley, Juazeiro/BA, Brazil
technical assistance; farmers; occupational exposure; health; intoxication.Abstract
In Brazil, the access and development of technologies for application in agriculture is a fact, highlighting the use of pesticides in crops, including family farming. However, some factors aggravate the risks related to the use of pesticides in family farming, such as the low educational level, the lack of knowledge about the risks, and the failure to follow safety instructions. Thus, the present work aimed to identify the pesticides used by family farmers in the Union of Associations of the Salitre Valley (União das Associações do Vale do Salitre – UAVS), analyzing the method of use employed and the possible risks that pesticides offer to the health of farmers. The work was carried out with 31 family farmers from the district of Junco (Juazeiro-BA) who use pesticides in their crops. The information was obtained from the application of semi-structured questionnaires. As a result, it was observed that 100% of the farmers are male, with an average age between 34–41 years, and that, despite the low educational level, no illiterate farmers were identified among the participants. Most of the pesticides used are toxicologically classified as extremely toxic, and are used by 68% of the interviewees. Furthermore, the practice of mixing pesticides was identified. It was also found that a large part of the pesticides used were applied on plants not indicated on the package leaflets. The findings of this study serve as guidance for actions of the society and the government, in order to provide a safer and more productive activity for family farmers.
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