3D-printed polylactic acid biopolymer and textile fibers: comparing the degradation process
degradability; additive manufacturing; fabric.Abstract
With the advancement of sustainable actions in the textile industry, biodegradable polymers are considered a potential solution to environmental problems generated by plastic waste. In particular, renewable polyesters, such as polylactic acid (PLA), are the most promising bioresorbable materials for application in consumer areas, such as the textile industry, which is one of the largest segments responsible for waste generation. Based on these considerations, the objective was to investigate the degradability of 3D-printed PLA biopolymer, compared to the degradability of natural and synthetic textile fibers (cotton and polyester). The comparison was carried out with samples of materials degraded in soil and exposed to the weather for 120 days. Significant results were obtained for mass loss, as follows: 13.4% PLA; 8.9% cotton/flat, and 3.84% polyester/flat. As for the loss of area, the results were 46.5% for PLA; 15.4% for cotton/knit; and 6.25% for polyester/knit. The composition of the analyzed materials is one of the factors that can determine the period of degradation, since natural fiber fabrics present faster decomposition due to the presence of microorganisms. Another point to highlight is the material construction, as the knitted fabric is more unstable compared to flat fabric, its bonds tend to break more easily resulting in a different degradation process for flat, knit, and non-woven materials.
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