Potential of carbon credits generation from organic waste composting of large generators: an alternative to the final disposal in sanitary landfills
Composting, Greenhouse Gases, Methane, Food Waste. Avoided Emissions, Clean Development Mechanism - CDM. Carbon Credit.Abstract
This study aims to measure the potential for reducing Greenhouse Gases by surveying the amount of methane avoided by a company that collects and processes organic waste from large generators through composting. The applied methodology was the avoidance of methane emissions through composting, from the Clean Development Mechanism, considering as a baseline the emissions of the Santa Rosa sanitary landfill, located in the city of Seropédica, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With data on the amount of organic waste composted by the company, the emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) were calculated, considering the standard emission factors established in the methodological instrument. The data show that the emission of 22,062 tons of CO2eq was avoided, which corresponds to a reduction of 83.5% of CH4 emissions, if the waste composted by the company were deposited in the Santa Rosa sanitary landfill. In terms of carbon credit, according to the calculation, this value would correspond to approximately 17 thousand euros annually (considering current values). Thus, the applicability of this study contributes as a scientific basis to assist decision-making and effectiveness of other composting projects, enabling greater reductions in emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the long term and adequacy to the future perspectives of carbon market development. At the same time, it contributes to the construction of alternative scenarios for mitigation and reduction of Greenhouse Gases emissions in Brazil and promotes sustainable waste management, as determined by the National Solid Waste Policy.
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