Quali-quantitative characterization of biogas with the temporal behavior of organic load on wastewater treatment plant with upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors through measurement in full‑scale systems
biogas composition; biogas flow; chemical oxygen demand probe; sewage; ultrasonic flowmeter.Abstract
This study aims to present the time behavior of wastewater flow parameters, organic matter, biogas flow, biogas composition, and its relations, measured through online sensors, in a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operating full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, installed in the south of Brazil. WWTP has online measurement devices to evaluate some physicochemical variables of the sewage and the biogas. The COD analyzer (UV– Vis probe), ultrasonic flow meter, biogas flow meter, and biogas composition analyzer were the equipment used. The monitoring occurred for two time periods each of 72 h and one time period for 48 h in the year 2018. Data were checked with descriptive statistics, data independence was checked through the autocorrelation Box– Ljung test, normality behavior was checked with several tests (Shapiro– Wilk, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Lilliefors, Anderson–Darling, D’Agostino K2, and Chen–Shapiro), and Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlations among the parameters. The mean sewage flow was 345 ± 120 L.s-1; removed organic load was, in average, 48%; biogas quality values were 82.32% ± 3.62% v/v (CH4), 2.66% ± 1.19% v/v (CO2), and 3453 ± 1268 ppm (H2S); and the production per capita obtained was 4.51 ± 1.65 NL.hab-1.d-1. It was estimated an electric power generation of 3118.6 kWh.d-1, which is equivalent to an installed power of 130 KW. The behavior of removed organic load and biogas flow (Nm3.h-1), produced in the treatment plant, showed variable, periodic, and nonstationary time behavior.
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