Survey of wildlife rescued and treated from 2014 to 2016 in Joinville (SC), Brazil




fauna; hit-and-run; atlantic forest; infrastructure; urbanization.


Natural ecosystems are in constant conflict with the growing and disordered urban expansion, arising from the mismanagement of human developments and infrastructure, facing an accelerated rate of deforestation and defaunation. The intense pressure on natural environments impacts the local fauna through various incidents, generating high mortality, such as hit-and-run, window-crashing, attacks by domestic animals, dissemination of diseases and electrocution. The purpose of this study was to carry out a retrospective survey of the wild fauna rescued and treated at a clinic associated with the environmental police in the region of Joinville - SC. A total of 379 wild animals were treated at the clinic from 2014 to 2016. Of these, 262 (69.13%) were birds, 107 (28.23%) mammals, 9 (2.37%) reptiles and 1 (0.26%) amphibian. The main causes of referral for clinical care were due to trauma (50.66%), seizures (1.32%) and other causes (48.02%), such as home invasion and orphaned puppies. Among the reasons for traumas, pedestrian accidents were the most prevalent, representing 39.58% of the cases treated, followed by animals found to be debilitated without a defined cause (31.77%), attack by domestic animals (14.58%) and window-crashing (9.89%). The data obtained in this study show a rich diversity of species in Joinville. These species are exposed to several anthropogenic challenges and barriers derived mainly from intense displacement and human invasion, causing many animals to move in order to adapt to urban areas.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, C. K., Gneiding, J. E. B. de O., Ribeiro, T. T., Iachinski, E. A., Gonçalves, I. C. M., & Pimpão, C. T. (2021). Survey of wildlife rescued and treated from 2014 to 2016 in Joinville (SC), Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Ambientais, 56(4), 687–696.

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