Virtual water flow and water footprint as optimizer of water resource management in the state of Ceará, Brazil




water management; water resources; analytical hierarchy process; hydrographic basins.


The water exported indirectly by sending products to other countries, or vice versa, is called a virtual water flow and this can be measured through water footprint (WF) calculations, which represent the embedded water needed to manufacture a product. This present study aims to analyze the virtual water flow and the WF of the main products exported by municipalities in the state of Ceará in the year 2019, in order to enhance the management of the state’s water resources. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), the most commonly used multicriteria decision-making method in the world, was used to determine which product is more sustainably produced by the municipalities of Ceará, with the criteria: WF, price, and volume exported. The alternatives are at least two of the seven categories of products exported by the state where the “fruit or vegetable juices” class was preferred as the most sustainable. It was found that most cities in the state that export agricultural products use only one basin, which can lead to very low reservoir levels, while the other hydrographic basins in the state are underused. It is worth noting that the Metropolitan Basin concentrates on 11 out of 32 municipalities that export abroad and that it is responsible for supplying more than 4,074,730 inhabitants, according to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2019).


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How to Cite

Leite, I. S., Sabiá, R. J., Matos, A. P., & Silva, C. C. (2021). Virtual water flow and water footprint as optimizer of water resource management in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ciências Ambientais, 56(4), 608–620.