Call for papers to the thematic section Epistemologies of Environmental Sciences


Opening: 07/22/2024

Closing date: until 15 manuscripts are approved for publication


Reference term

This call aims to open space for debate on the epistemologies of environmental sciences, considering their transversality, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity. Environmental sciences encompass different theoretical and methodological approaches; various types of research, basic, applied, action research, and participant, among others; different purposes, sociopolitical, economic, management, public policy, technological, etc.; different sustainability focuses, such as conservation, preservation, sustainable use, new technologies, public policies, participatory and democratic management, education, among others.

In addition to ecological dynamics, they involve territorial aspects of land use and occupation; the environmental aspects that result from this use and human interventions; cultural dimensions, which encompass world views on ecosystems, territory and the environment, and development; social phenomena, referring to access to essential services and decent living conditions; economic processes, when they affect the production model, income distribution and poverty eradication, among others; and political issues, mainly democratic and human rights guarantees.

This broad scope, complexity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity require sophisticated theoretical and methodological approaches and a constant debate about which visions of science should be behind research in environmental sciences, including ethical aspects of research and publications in the context of digital transformation evaluation criteria, as well as spurious and predatory practices.

This thematic section will comprise 15 articles covering, as a whole, the epistemological diversity of environmental sciences. Manuscripts can be theoretical essays or research articles as long as they meet the scope of the call that aims to improve our understanding of the role of the epistemologies of environmental sciences, considering their complexity, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and resulting impacts on society.

Manuscripts must meet the RBCIAMB submission conditions, its flow and evaluation criteria, and its rules and guidelines in the Submissions tab on the website. Articles must be submitted via the system Two section options will be available when submitting: article and thematic edition. For this call, choose the second option. And, in comments to the editor, inform that the submission refers to the thematic edition.

This public call will be open from July 22, 2024, until the number of approved articles is completed and may be expanded at the editorial team’s discretion.

Articles can be sent in Portuguese or English; if approved, they must be translated into English. The publication will only be in English.

The publication will be continuous, dated 2025, when it could serve as the basis for a seminar on the topic.

RBCIAMB is classified as A3 in the Qualis Capes. In November 2023, it was indexed in the Web of Science database, and in 2024, it obtained the first classification in the JCR, with Impact Factor 0,5. In November 2024, RBCIAMB  was indexed in the Scopus database with CiteScore 0.7.

Questions and clarifications will be answered via email:


Associate Editor

John James Loomis – Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)

Editor in Chief

Valdir Fernandes – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)