About the Journal


Call for papers to the thematic section Epistemologies of Environmental Sciences | Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais (RBCIAMB)


Journal Insights

From an interdisciplinary perspective, the Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais - RBCIAMB (Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences) covers ecological, environmental, territorial, social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of sustainability and environmental sciences. Read full aims and scope.

First decision fast: In the pre-analysis phase, the manuscripts are reviewed by two editors, and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 60 days after submission.

Review time: In the double peer-review phase, the average time is 75 days when the manuscripts are rejected. The evaluation process takes about 150 days from when articles are accepted, considering all evaluation steps. Read full evaluation process and ethics statement.

The three issues of 2023, composed of 42 articles, had the contributions of 202 authors from 63 institutions and 05 Countries. 

Cite Score: Our citation score per article in Dimensions Analytics is 2.0. Considering only the last five years, 2020 to 2024, the index is about 1.4.

Publications with citations: 75% of 2020 articles recorded at least one citation. 

In November 2023, RBCIAMB was indexed in the Web of Science database, and in 2024, it obtained the first classification in the JCR, with Impact Factor 0.5.

In November 2024, RBCIAMB  was indexed in the Scopus database with CiteScore 0.7.



Current Issue

Vol. 60 (2025): RBCIAMB - ISSN 2176-9478
					View Vol. 60 (2025): RBCIAMB - ISSN 2176-9478

In Progress.

Published: 2024-11-06


Especial Section: Epistemologies of Environmental Sciences

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