Metals bioremediation potential using Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
Adsorption; biosorption; Chlorophyceae; contaminants.Abstract
Microalgae are unicellular organisms, photosynthesizers that present cell duplication exponentially and biosorption capacity of nutrients dissolved in water. The objective of this work was to evaluate the capacityof the microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata for bioremediation of metals and salts. In this aspect, the reduction of the metals and salts in the synthetic effluents by the microalga P. subcapitata was evaluated: (T1) culture medium (control); (T2) culture medium contaminated with aluminum chloride; (T3) culture medium contaminated with ferrous sulfate; (T4) culture medium contaminated with zinc sulfate; (T5) culture medium contaminated with the combination of aluminum chloride, ferrous sulfate and zinc sulfate. The bioremediation process was evaluated by comparing culture media with suspended microalgae to a filtrate version of the same medium. Iron and zinc metals, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus salts, showed depleted values in the filtered medium, indicating efficiency in the treatment of water by microalgae. Aluminum content was below the limit of detection in all treatments. The cumulative values in the microalgae biomass were, in descending order: nitrogen, zinc, iron and phosphorus, thus indicating the assimilation of the contaminants in the algal biomass. In addition, high biomass production of the microalgae was observed. The highest production rate was verified in the synthetic effluent with the association of metals, indicating a synergy between contaminants, which was probably responsible for reducing the toxic effect on the microalgae. These results indicated high potential for bioremediation by microalga P. subcapitata, besides the possibility of using algal biomass for biotechnological applications.
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