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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted manuscript is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication in another journal.
  • The manuscript fits in the RBCIAMB scope.
  • The manuscript dialogue with recent environmental sciences literature published in qualified journals in the area, considering similar and related studies. (See Viewpoint: Why and where to publish.)
  • The research represent an advance concerning similar and related studies.
  • The manuscript has an interdisciplinary approach.
  • The research has an interface with other areas or convergence of different knowledge.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format saved in the extension .doc or .docx.
  • The text has been carefully revised to eliminate grammar and spelling errors.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • At the time of submission, when entering the authors in the System, it is mandatory to inform: full name, e-mail, ORCID, title, and complete institutional link containing institution, function, city and country. This information should only appear in the System, filled in at the time of registration. IMPORTANT: do not put this information in the body of the article when sending the original contribution.
  • The authors agree to the journal's open access policy and the use of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY.
  • Does the work have ethics committee (CEP – CONEP/CONCEA) approval for experiments with animals or humans (directly or indirectly), including use cases of interviews and questionnaires and other procedures for obtaining direct or indirect opinions.? Does the job not undue promote or criticize an individual, organization, or product? (See Publication Ethics Statement.)
  • If the graphic elements (FIGURES, TABLES, IMAGES, PHOTOS, etc.) are not original, do they have a license that allows their reproduction or adaptation?

Author Guidelines


Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences (RBCIAMB) is an interdisciplinary journal concerned with the ecological, environmental, territorial, social, cultural, economic and political aspects of sustainability and environmental sciences. It a space for the exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and technology, from the diverse perspectives and disciplines which must be combined to formulate effective solutions aiming at sustainable development. From the interdisciplinarity perspective, the journal examines issues in natural resources, environmental conservation, water resources, waste management, environmental and clean technologies, environmental management, social perception, environmental education, urban development, public policies, environmental health, sustainable agriculture, among other topics associated with the sustainability. The interinstitutional coproduction’s, involving national or foreign institutions, are especially welcome.

RBCIAMB is edited by the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES). Publishes original and complete articles, with peer review.The RBCIAMB does not publish simple diagnoses, which are applications of known techniques and technical works that do not contribute to the advancement of science. Likewise, bibliometric analyses will not be published in the journal, without clear evidence that such analyzes contribute to scientific development. Nor will strictly disciplinarily works, circumscribed predominantly in a field of knowledge, be accepted, without interface with other areas and without convergence of diverse knowledge and guidelines. In line with best editorial practices and international trends, from 2024 onwards, RBCIAMB migrated from the quarterly flow to a continuous flow with a single annual volume.

If the article has already been presented in congress, the version for the journal should have a significant progress in relation to the version published, effectively configuring a new article.



As of 2021, articles are only published in English.  Submission may be in English or Portuguese and, if approved, the authors must provide the final English version. 

Billing System

The Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences (Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais – RBCIAMB) charges a fee of R$ 250.00 for article submission through the PayPal system. But does not charge for access to published articles (APC). It is a 100% open-access journal.

  • The fee is for non-ABES members. In case the author is a partner, send an e-mail to informing one’s ABES registration number for exemption from the fee. Join ABES:
  • Note: The submission fee will not be refunded in case the manuscript is refused, and the payment of the fee does not guarantee its acceptance.
  • Regarding the translation, the authors can count on the service of the Zeppelini Editorial team, or any other company that they deem appropriate, in both cases negotiating the costs directly.



Structure and Formatting

Title, Abstract and Keywords:

The Portuguese text must also contain title, abstract and keywords in English.

The English text must also contain title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese (Brazil). 

Abstract: with a maximum of 250 words in the text language.

The paper must be formatted in page size A-4, margins of 3 cm to the left and top and of 2 cm to the bottom and right; Times New Roman font, size 12 and the spacing between lines should be 1.5. The pages must be properly numbered and the full article must have a maximum of 20 pages.

Figures should be sent at a resolution of 300 DPI and minimum size of 2,500 pixels (width).  Images submitted in inadequate formats will not be accepted.

At the time of submission, when entering the authors in the System, it is mandatory to inform: full name, e-mail, ORCID, title, complete institutional link containing institution, function, city, country. This information should only appear in the System, filled in at the time of registration. IMPORTANT: do not put this information in the body of the article when sending the original contribution.

The authors should insert an attached document with the following information (in item 2. Upload submission - Select article component - Other):

a) whether or not there is a conflict of interest

b) source of funding

c)contribution of the authors (Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Funding, acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing)



The references must be presented at the end of the manuscript, in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author, model authors, date. The Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences  (Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais) adopts the Chicago standars with adaptations.

All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references that must be organized alphabetically in the names of the authors and chronologically by author. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of the author's names and dates are exactly the same as in the text as in the reference list.

Course completion works will not be considered validated scientific references.

The text refers to the author's name (without initial) and year of publication, followed - if necessary - by a brief reference to the appropriate pages.

If the reference is made in the text to a publication written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be used followed by "et al". This indication, however, should never be used in the reference list. In this list should be mentioned names of first authors and co-authors.

The use of DOI is highly recommended. In the test phase, the data that are missing from the references will be requested from the authors for correction. References should be organized according to the following examples:


Citation in the Text

One author:
In paragraph  Schultz (2020) or
Between parentheses: (Schultz, 2020)

Two authors:
In paragraph Schultz and Luz (2020) or
Between parentheses: (Schultz and Luz, 2020)

Three or more authors:
In paragraph:  Mello et al. (2020)
Between parentheses: (Mello et al., 2020)
Documents by the same author, published the same year:
In paragraph:  Brazil (2020a, 2020b) or
Between parentheses: (Brazil, 2020a, 2020b)

Citation with page number

One page: Schultz and Luz (2020, p. 201)

Page interval: (Schultz and Luz, 2020, pp. 201-210)

Reference List

Article in a  Journal
Soares, R.; Silva, S.; Souza Filho, F.; Studart, T.; Frota, R., 2020. Groundwater vulnerability to agrochemical contamination. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais (RBCIAMB), v. 55 (4), 440-455.
Gaugh, Jr., H.G., 1992. Statistical Analysis of Regional Field Trials. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 278 p.

Book Chapter

Cox, G.; Lowe, P.; Winter, M., 1990. The political management of the dairy sector in England and Wales. In: Marsden, T.; Little, J. (Eds.), Political, Social and Economic Perspectives on the International Food System. Avebury, Aldershot, pp. 82-111.

Dalberto, G., 2020. Coloniality and Security: discourses and practices of security sector reform in Liberia. Doctoral Thesis, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. doi:10.11606/T.8.2020.tde-04112020-212829. Retrieved 2020-11-05, from


Brasil. Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente – CONAMA, 2005. Resolução CONAMA n. 357, de 17 de março de 2005. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília.

Washington State Department of Ecology, 2020. Washington Geospatial Open Data Portal (Accessed November 15, 2019) at:.



The articles undergo an initial screening with software to check for plagiarism. If the article has already been published in seminars or conferences, for example, the version for the RBCIAMB must have significant progress, effectively configuring a new article.


Pre-analysis: Manuscripts can be rejected at this stage.

The submitted manuscripts are initially checked for publication and submission rules compliance. In sequence, they are evaluated by the Editor In Chief and the Associated Editors according to the following criteria: Pertinence (Does the central theme of the article fall within the scope of RBCIAMB?); Scientific Relevance (Does the manuscript represent a significant scientific contribution to the area of Environmental Sciences?); Originality (Does it present innovation and progress regarding the state of the art?); Contextualization (Does the text present interdisciplinary contextualization to establish the interfaces and connections of the specific problem with the context and the field of knowledge? Does the text fit into the area of knowledge in line with the state of the art?); Ethics (Does the paper present approval from ethics committees when dealing with animals or human experimentation (directly or indirectly)? Does the work make undue promotion or criticism of an individual, organization, and product?); and References (


After pre-analysis, the articles that qualified in this stage are assigned to the Associate Editors and submitted to independent ad-hoc reviewers in the "double-blind review" system. The Editorial Team prepared a form to guide reviewers on the evaluation criteria. When the reviewers have opposite opinions, at the editor's discretion, the article is sent to a third reviewer. The review process may require several rounds, and after each, the corresponding author should send a corrected manuscript version highlighting the changes made and a letter answering each comment or suggestion by reviewers.

The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision. This decision is communicated to the authors and all the reviewers, with the respective anonymized comments that justified it.


Evaluation Topics

Is the TITLE concise, representative of the article's content, and attention-getting?

Does the ABSTRACT summarize the context, the problem, the objective, the methodology, the results, and conclusions?

Are KEYWORDS pertinent and avoid repeating title terms?

Does the INTRODUCTION contextualize, problematize, and properly justifies the research objectives?

Does the LITERATURE REVIEW present the state of the art, nationally and internationally, on the subject and define the main concepts in the light of which the research is developed?

METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES - Is the conceptual model presented consistently, with methodological advances and innovations? Were the data collection and analysis procedures detailed enough to be reproduced in other studies?

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - Are the results presented in detail and are they consistent with the methodological procedures? Are the results discussed in the light of the basic literature and compared with other studies presented in the state of the art?

GRAPHICS, FIGURES, TABLES, IMAGES, PHOTOS – The graphic elements are clear, communicative, illustrative, and with good resolution?

Are the CONCLUSIONS clearly established and supported by the work data? Do they represent advances in knowledge on the topic addressed?

REFERENCES - Does the article have at least 50% of references and citations from articles published in international scientific journals? Does the article have at least 50% of references and citations from articles published in the last five years in scientific journals? This guideline should be considered more than just to fulfill percentages but to demonstrate effective dialogue with the scientific community, highlighting advances and gaps and positioning the manuscript in this context.



To thank the reviewers for their voluntary work, starting in September 2024, RBCIAMB enabled the export of the review credit to ‘my peer review records’ in the Web of Science/Publons. Information on how to enable this in your profile can be found at the following link:



Privacy Statement

Publication Ethics Statement

The Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences works with its Editorial Team (Editors and Editorial Board), authors, and reviewers to ensure the quality and ethical criteria of manuscripts from submission to publication.

By submitting the article, the authors automatically agree with all items of this statement of ethics and good practices for publication in this journal.

This Statement of Ethics and Good Practices is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.


1 - Authorship

Authors should nominate the contribution of each one to work based on the parameters of CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).

All authors must ratify the content of the manuscript and agree to its submission. Authors who submit their articles grant the first publication rights to the Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences.


2 - Conflicts of interest

Editor and Editorial Team

If there is any conflict of interest about competition, collaboration, or other relationships or links with authors, editors, or reviewers. In that case, they must communicate and transfer responsibility for the article to another member of the Editorial Team.

When accepting to review any manuscript, the reviewers declare no conflict of interest.

Even with the adoption of the double-blind evaluation, a conflict of interest between authors, editors, or reviewers is considered inappropriate.



When submitting the work, the authors must declare in their manuscript the absence of any conflict of interest, and this information is published on the article's home page.


3 - Complaints and appeals

It is up to the Editor to investigate, when presented with, any allegation of errors and misconduct, whether in submitted or published articles. All complaints are investigated, regardless of when the article was published. RBCIAMB adopts COPE procedures and guidelines, giving those involved ample opportunity to respond and guaranteeing the right of manifestation to all parties involved.

If necessary, other appropriate steps may be taken, such as the publication of a retraction or notice of interest.


4 - Publication


The journal editor is responsible for deciding which articles to publish. The journal editor is responsible for deciding on the articles to be published based on the guidelines established by the Editorial Board, observing the pertinent and current legislation.

If there are no ethical violations, the motivation for the decision must be technical, based on the scientific contribution's relevance, significance, methodological rigor, and dialogue with the scientific community that works on the subject. The editor may share decision-making with other editors and should strive to meet the needs of readers and authors to ensure the quality of published material; publish errata, clarifications, retractions, and apologies if necessary; improve the magazine; maintain file integrity and journal memory.

On the journal's homepage are instructions to authors setting out details on what is expected for manuscript submissions. These instructions are regularly updated and provide information on the steps of the assessment procedures.



The authors declare that the submitted work is original and is not being evaluated in another publication vehicle. They also declare that all parts of other work and authors were duly referenced according to the norms and good editorial practices. The authors declare that they know that the total or partial reproduction of other works (phrases, data, methods, results, conclusions), directly or indirectly (paraphrasing), without referencing, constitutes plagiarism and does not comply with the good ethical practices of scientific publication.

Papers presented at conferences must have substantial modifications and alterations for submission to the journal, with at least 50% different content.


5 - Use of humans or animals for research

Manuscripts that result from research using human beings or animals must have followed all relevant protocols in institutional bodies in their territories. In Brazil, for research with human beings, the legislation in force must be followed under the responsibility of the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) and their respective Research Ethics Committees (CEPs). For research with animals, the established National Council for the Control of Animal Experiments (CONCEA) and their respective Committees on Ethics in the Use of Animals (CEUAs) must be followed. IIn both cases, informing the register number and the respective approval term register of the Relevant Committee is mandatory. It is the prerogative of the editorial team to request the attachment of the approval term.

Research in other countries must attach a statement indicating full compliance with ethical principles and specific legislation, informing the respective approval protocols.


6 - Financing

All sources of financial support for the project must be informed and disclosed on the published article's home page.


7 - Confidentiality

Information regarding the submitted article will only be disclosed to the authors, the reviewers (but without identification of the authors), and the editorial team, as the case may be.

The disclosure of materials not published in a submitted manuscript will only be with the author's express written permission.

Inside information or ideas obtained through peer reviews must be confidential and not used for personal gain, nor communicated to third parties.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


8 - Transparency

The editorial team of the Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences (RBCIAMB) considers the transparency of the evaluation process and the information pertinent to the journal to be of high value.

Authors have access to the status of their manuscripts via the OJS system and may contact the editorial secretariat at any time.

As of 2021, RBCIAMB began to publish, on its website, information on the number of authors and institutions, the duration of the evaluation of articles in its various stages, and included Badges of citation reports from the articles.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.